Auto Accidents & Personal Injury
Whether you have been involved in an auto accident or a personal injury incident, Temeku Chiropractic takes great pride in treating, nurturing and pampering you, our patient.
The stress and anxiety that notoriously follows auto accidents or other serious personal injury incidents can throw most people into a tail spin. We aim to alleviate much of that stress by walking you through the med-legal process, referring you to competent orthopedic or medical personnel and taking any necessary steps in the medical arena to help you recover your life and health.
Time is of the essence in any traumatic injury therefore the sooner you come in, the sooner your injury can be assessed, the quicker we can tailor a treatment plan specifically for your injuries and the faster you will recover.
Offering a supportive and positive energy among our staff for your emotional support, Temeku Chiropractic focuses on returning you to a pain-free and thriving existence by helping you ease your pain, correct your injuries and ultimately assist you in any needed capacity to help you get your life back.