Chiropractic Services
Laser Therapy

Spinal Decompression
Serving over 18,000 patients in the past 26 years, Dr. Young has become one of the highest respected doctors in the Inland Empire. Acting as Medical Director of Temeku Chiropractic Orthopedic Medical Group, he has consulted chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons. A state appointed Qualified Medical Examiner and an Industrial Disability Examiner, CCF, Dr. Young serves as a preceptor faculty instructor at L.A.C.C. and often testifies in court as an expert witness for med-legal issues. He is a Diplomate National Board of Chiropractic Examiner who continues to take post graduate courses in nutrition and bio-mechanics. Additionally, Dr. Young is supported by two orthopedic surgeons and a neurosurgeon.
Cold laser Therapy for Pain and Inflammation
The goal of laser therapy is to deliver light energy units, in the form of photons, to damaged cells. This biochemical increase in cell energy is used to help transform cells from a state of illness to a stable, healthy state.
An 88% positive effect was demonstrated in studies done on the efficacy in relieving pain caused by arthritis of small and medium joints. Over 4,000 studies have been conducted worldwide to validate the effectiveness of laser therapy. All our laser devices are designed with you in mind and are completly safe with no adverse side effects and are painless.
Conditions Treated: Soft Tissue and Sports Injuries, Repetitive Stress Injuries, Inflammatory Conditions, and Back Injuries.
What is Spinal Decompression?
Spinal Decompression therapy is a proven safe and effective means to treat severe and chronic cervical (neck) and lumbar (low back) conditions. The program consists of FDA-registered non-surgical Spinal Decompression equipment focusing on disc and arthritic conditions affecting the spine.
What conditions does spinal decompression therapy treat?
Spinal decompression therapy can effectively treat: Disc Herniation's (Low back pain, leg pain, and / or arm pain / numbness). Degenerative Disc Disease, Arthritis, Spinal Stenosis, Failed Back Surgery.
What are the success rates for spinal decompression?
Spinal decompression studies indicate between 71%-90% success rate with one study reporting and immediate resolution of symptoms in 86%. The doctor will often use ancellary care such as laser therapy and physiotherapy modalities.
Learn more about our spinal deompression treatmeant at
Along side Chiropractic our goal is to provide the highest quality rehabilitation services to enable the patients to return to full function as soon as possible. These therapies are provided with chiropractic adjustments or prescribed on their own. The patient will have treatment by the use of therapeutic exercies and application of modalities which is often called physiotherapy. Therapeutic exercies are performed on exercise machines, exercises may also be perofrmed with Tera-bands. Home exercises are often provided. Physiotherapy modalities may include ice, heat, ultasound, electro muscle stimulation, laser therapy, traction, and spinal decompression.
Massage Therapy is often prescribed to help with healing and restore function. Massage may be performed as Sports, Deep Tissue, Swedish, Myofascial Release, and Trigger Point Therapy.

Dr. Young & Staff
Physical Rehabilitation & Massage Therapy